$1,000 per year
Events Page
$250 per year
Color Advertisement:
1/8 Page: $110
1/8 Front Page: SOLD OUT
1/4 Page: $165
1/4 Back Page: SOLD OUT
1/3 Page: $215
1/2 Page: $285
Black & White Advertisement
1/8 Page: $80
1/4 Page: $140
1/3 Page: $185
1/2 Page: $255
Option 1
$175 and your business to provide 500 copies of the 8.5x11 insert
Option 2
$250 and your business to provide the digital artwork and thechamber will print the insert
*Max paperweight is 28lb.
$50 per email blast
Reach out to over 1,000 contacts!
4 spots per week
Accepted Formats:
High Resolution PDF, TIFF, or JPEG
A 12-month newsletter commitment receives a 10% monthly discount
Art Deadline:
Newsletter art is due the 15th of the month prior to issue month.
Online art should be web-ready.
330-833-3146 or info@massillonohchamber.com
An Ambassador is a volunteer for the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce that represents their own business while also promoting and assisting the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce.
Seeks to create a partnership with educational institutions and the business community to ensure that education and industry assist each other in maintaining a well-educated and highly skilled workforce in the Massillon/western Stark County area.
Plans and coordinates the Annual Golf Outing event, which serves as one of the Chamber’s main fundraisers each year.
Works as an advocate to provide an effective business voice at the local, state, and national levels of government, as well as creating good will between government and the business community.
The Chamber also hosts the Business Connection Live luncheon series. Held once a month, this luncheon provides members and the chance to promote their business and hear a speaker talk about business issues and current events.
(330) 833-3146
Monday - Friday: 8:30-4:30
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
All Rights Reserved
Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce
Website created and hosted by Seifert Technologies, Inc.
All Rights Reserved | Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce
Website created and hosted by Seifert Technologies, Inc.