
About Us

The Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce is here to support and strengthen businesses, enhance quality of life, and increase the visibility of our community.

The Massillon WestStark area embraces progress as enthusiastically as it preserves and builds its manufacturing, agriculture and rich traditions. Our hometown vibe is a welcoming community filled with quality recreation, groundbreaking education and diverse businesses. Located in the Northeast Ohio with a booming job market, the future is filled with possibilities for residents and businesses. The Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce is a principal player in this prosperity. It’s advertising, networking and events promote the growth and success of over 300 members and the community they serve. Moreover, our businesses support one another to make us all a bigger, better and stronger community.

Board of Directors & Staff


Member Benefits

When you join the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce, you are investing in your business and our community. As a Member, you receive access to many benefits and services that will help your business flourish. Below are some of the benefits that you receive when you join our Chamber!

Member's Only Access

Search Engine Optimized Member Directory Listing

Chamber Buck$

Online Event Registration & Payments

  • Use of Chamber Logo for your Business
  • Receive Weekly Newsletter by e-mail
  • Submit News for Weekly Newsletter, online News updates, Calendar of events & Facebook
  • Printed Membership Mailing list on mailing labels, for a nominal fee
  • Business referrals to visitors, individuals relocating and locals contacting the chamber office and online through member directory links and advertisements. Notifications for online referrals will be sent out by e-mail
  • Vote for Board of Directors
  • Participation in Chamber Committees
  • Free use of Chamber Conference Room, based on scheduling & availability
  • Use of Chamber Logo for your Business
  • Receive Weekly Newsletter by e-mail
  • Submit News for Weekly Newsletter, online News updates, Calendar of events & Facebook
  • Printed Membership Mailing list on mailing labels, for a nominal fee
  • Business referrals to visitors, individuals relocating and locals contacting the chamber office and online through member directory links and advertisements. Notifications for online referrals will be sent out by e-mail
  • Assistance for your Small Business
  • Vote for Board of Directors
  • Participation in Chamber Committees
  • Free use of Chamber Conference Room, based on scheduling & availability
  • Ribbon Cutting or Ground Breaking Ceremony
  • Invitation to Mixers, Educational Programs, Luncheons, Promotional Programs (Cost based on program)
  • Member 2 Member Discount Programs
  • Membership Window Decal
  • Exclusive e-mail Blasts to membership ($50 each)
  • Sponsor Events, Mixers, Programs, Luncheons, Banquet & more (Cost will vary based on event)
  • Inclusion of promotional materials in New Chamber Welcome Bags (Must provide materials)
  • Advertising in chamber publications (Cost varies based on size of ad, location & publication)
  • Chamber website advertising (Cost based on website location and availability)
  • Assistance for your Small Business
  • Ribbon Cutting or Ground Breaking Ceremony
  • Invitation to Mixers, Educational Programs, Luncheons, Promotional Programs (Cost based on program)
  • Member 2 Member Discount Programs
  • Membership Window Decal
  • Exclusive e-mail Blasts to membership ($50 each)
  • Sponsor Events, Mixers, Programs, Luncheons, Banquet & more (Cost will vary based on event)
  • Inclusion of promotional materials in New Chamber Welcome Bags (Must provide materials)
  • Advertising in chamber publications (Cost varies based on size of ad, location & publication)
  • Chamber website advertising (Cost based on website location and availability)
  • Group health insurance

When you join the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce, you are investing in your business and our community. As a Member, you receive access to many benefits and services that will help your business flourish. Below are some of the benefits that you receive when you join our Chamber!

Ambassador Program

What is an Ambassador?

An Ambassador is a volunteer for the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce that represents their own business while also promoting and assisting the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce. As an Ambassador, your dedication, time and efforts are appreciated and highly valued by the Membership, Board of Directors and Staff. Ambassadors are the backbone of the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce.

Purpose of the Ambassador Committee

The Ambassador Committee is the membership liaison of the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce providing communication from the Members to the Board and Staff. The efforts of the energetic committee are to include visitations with members, greeting at Business After Hours, Business Connection Live, attendance at ribbon cuttings, volunteer at various Chamber events, and most importantly promote and value the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber Buck$

Chamber Buck$ Program Guidelines

On behalf of the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce we would like to thank you for being part of our Chamber Buck$ Program where we are putting your dollars to work for our community. The Chamber Buck$ work just like a gift certificate check and is good for merchandise only at participating member businesses.

Here a couple of things to keep in mind as you spend your Chamber Buck$ checks.

  1. Please check with merchants to ensure they will accept your Chamber Buck$ checks, not all local merchants are program participants.  See the complete list of participating merchants below.
  2. Chamber Buck$ checks will not be replaced if lost or stolen, protect them the same as you would cash.
  3. When making a purchase with Chamber Buck$, we ask that you spend at least 70% of each $25.00 certificate. Example: If you plan to purchase an item that is $17.50 you can use your Chamber Buck$, if your are looking to purchase an item that is $2.99, we would like to ask that you save your Chamber Buck$ for another purchase.
  4. Chamber Buck$ cannot be exchanged for cash at any merchant without purchase of merchandise or services. Merchants will treat the Chamber Buck$ checks as cash purchases so change will be given in cash.
  5. Chamber Buck$ are not to be duplicated, copied or replicated, doing so will be punishable by law.
  6. If you encounter a merchant that has questions about the Chamber Buck$ Program or would be interested in participating, have them contact the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce office at (330) 833-3146 or fill out the participation form below.

Member's Only Access

Search Engine Optimized Member Directory Listing

Chamber Buck$

Online Event Registration & Payments

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you.  Call us at (330) 833-3146 or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Contact Us

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